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2017-05-09 14:03 作者:匿名 文章来源:国际珠宝网 点击:
王金忠 (上海海派玉雕文化协会)
摘  要:花鸟玉雕在近千年的发展过程中不断地被世俗化,一味的向大众审美靠拢,成为社会功利诉求的代言者,而丧失了在艺术美学和精神高度上的深层追求。重塑花鸟玉雕的美学观,既是当代社会多元化审美发展的必然要求,也为当代花鸟玉雕的发展提供新的发展思路。中国深厚的传统文化为花鸟玉雕在艺术美学和思想精神上,提供了众多可以借鉴的对象。发展完善且体系成熟的院体花鸟画,与花鸟玉雕有着共同的表现对象;而传统文人作为传统社会中的精英群体,他们的审美意趣更能折射出整个**的精神思想追求。笔者回溯传统,探究花鸟玉雕自身的问题成因,并对古代院体花鸟绘画和传统文人画意趣进行解读分析,从中获取可供参照的元素.塑造一种“形神兼备,艺术与思想融合;雅俗共赏,情趣与寓意融合”的新型当代花鸟玉雕美学观。
关键词:花鸟玉雕   院体花鸟画   文人情趣    新美学观 
Reshape the aesthetic of contemporary birds and flowers jade carving
Wang  Jinzhong
(Shanghai jade carving culture association,Shanghai,200001)
Abstract: Jade carvings of flowers and birds have been secularized,in the development of the past thousand years.It is blindly reaching out to the public aesthetic, become a messenger of social utilitarianism and appeal, but lost the higher pursuit in art aesthetics and spirit.Reshape the aesthetic of birds and flowers jade carving, is not only the inevitable demand for diversified aesthetic contemporary society development, also provide new development ideas for the development of the contemporary flowers and jade carving. Fortunately, China's profound traditional culture can provide  a lot of reference content, in art aesthetics and spirit. For example ,the developed Royal Flower-and-bird painting has got a mature system of aesthetics,and it has the same subject with the flower and birds jade carving; literati are the elite of the traditional society, their aesthetic interest can reflects the spirit pursuit of the whole nation thought.The author using traditional, explore the issue of flowers and birds jade carving,  analyze the ancient Royal flower-and-bird painting , inclination of traditional literati paintings to get some elements available for reference.Shaping a new type of contemporary flowers and birds jade carving aesthetic --"Form and spirit unified, art and thought fusion; Appealing-to-all, fun and moral integration" .
Key words: Jade carvings of flowers and birds,Royal Flower-and-bird painting,literati consciousness and aesthetic,new aesthetic concept


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